Now I'm an Atheist I don't believe there is a God of any description residing over us.... we are masters of our own destiny, decisions we make ripple out and affect our lives for the duration.. it's what forms us as human beings.. I don't believe we are being influenced by a higher being or that in fact anybody is "talking" to us or guiding us.... and the ones who say somebody is well they are suffering from a delusion on a massive scale... Life is this ... what you have now, what you live now and in the future...
There are no real solid answers as to why we are here... which is why religion has played such a big part in man's development.... it's our desire to know things and how we came about... and for some, religion answers that question ... but for others like me it doesn't even come close.... it's not even a maybe with me it's up there with fairy tales and nursery rhymes.....
That's a very condensed synopsis of what I think....
But that doesn't mean to say I disrespect what other people believe such as Christians and Muslims or any other faith.... I would defend somebodies right to believe in something with extreme vigour, just as I have the right to believe what I do.....
But I've noticed recently that anti Islamic rhetoric is on the increase what with "
Draw Mohammed Day" on Facebook (which has now been deleted) .... it really saddens me that some people seem to think it's a fabulous idea to insult another persons religion under the guise of free speech... and although I'm not agreeing with the extremists on the beheading front ... I don't think this kind of thing should be allowed to propagate... although it will be hard to stop with the freedom granted by the internet....
Muslims have been demonised purely because the extremists who carried out the terrorist atrocities were Muslim or pertained to be Muslim.... The
Crusaders killed thousands of Muslims during the Crusades to convert them... that doesn't make every Christian a blood thirsty killer.....and neither do a few extremist Muslims bent on terror and murder make the entire Muslim faith a culture to be afraid of because they are hell bent on decapitating western civilisation ..... It's surprising sometimes when somebody comes out with something and you realise it's anti Islamic....That seems to be popping up more and more often....
I think there is a groundswell of thought and feeling rising in this country regarding immigration and Muslims in particular and I have to admit I'm not feeling overly comfortable with it.... I can't help thinking that it's been brought about by the media and the government ... and it smacks of the beginnings of this
little episode ....... little seeds planted which have germinated in the heads of the people and are now growing into uncontrollable bushes of resentment ....
This is going to end in tears and bloodshed if it carries on.... whatever happened to live and let live ?