I've been fishing three times now since we've moved, nothing spectacular just a couple of sea bass and some small flatfish.... in fact the sea bass were caught just on the spot of beach you can see in front of Dylans boathouse... well a little further back than there but literally just out of picture.... as you can see it's a bloody awful place to live..... a complete eyesore ... (yeah right...) ;¬)
We still haven't managed to get the heating sorted out yet, we've been promised and promised but alas nobody has turned up.... the famous Pembrokeshire promise it seems..... thankfully it hasn't been cold of late, wet of course but not cold.... well it's August after all, torrential downpours are the in thing.... I guess that's why Wales is so green....
I'm off out fishing again this afternoon (shock...horror) after Andrea gets back from running the St Clears 10k .... She's incredibly fit now and doesn't think twice about knocking out an 8 mile run... but she needs to keep doing it if she is going to do well in the Snowdonia Marathon in October I've walked that course it takes you right around Snowdon and it's bad enough walking it let alone running it.....but she seems to be looking forward to it... I honestly didn't think she'd stick to this running lark, but I've got to take my hat off to her (if I had one) with the London marathon under her belt and numerous half marathons and 10k's....not to mention the seventy odd miles she's doing a week.... she's doing very well indeed and I'm very proud of her :) not to mention the fact that she's become very toned all over...she's a lean mean racing machine.....
I just broke off from updating my blog to get a coffee only to find that the kettle had died, it's been a bit iffy for a few weeks... you'd turn it on and it would go off with a crackle then back on again... then off then finally it would boil.... well it's finally blown when I tried to get a much needed cup of ambition.... so out came the screwdrivers and I disassembled it.... I found out what was causing it to stop working and have jammed a piece of cork into one of the leaf contacts to keep it down and a further piece of cork to keep the on/off latch switch down so it can boil.... it has to be watched now because it would boil dry.... but at least I've got my coffee :) it will last until we get another one.... another Bodge-it & Scarper job with a good result :) (I doubt it would pass an electrical safety test) but my coffee is hot and I care not .....
Well I'm going to have to break off yet again because my little daughter Freya has just come up and said "Daddy .... you're my best friend"
So until next time :)