I really do despair sometimes at how low another person can stoop, I suppose the abduction of April Jones has struck a chord with me in that I have a 4 year old daughter called Freya who will be 5 on the 23rd October.... I simply cannot understand the mentality of the people who inflict this kind of mental torture on parents.... I personally would be beside myself if Freya was taken like April has been. I sincerely hope this ends well and she is returned to her parents, who must be frantic with worry and at the same time horror as to what may have become of her. I know my mind would be racing.... I suppose its because it goes against everything you stand for as a parent, you're there to love and protect your children, and when they are abducted like this you're completely helpless, unable to protect your children from harm. It is so hard to understand behaviour like this , it's totally alien.
I do know that I could quite happily and with no remorse or feelings of guilt kill anybody that harmed my daughter(s), I know most parents would say that and if it came to the crunch wouldn't..... but I know that in my case I wouldn't hesitate given the opportunity......it would be one of the few crimes I'd gladly go to prison for...... and yes that protectiveness and sense of justice extends to my step family as well........does that make me worse or the same as the perpetrator ? I do think that some people should be removed from the planet for certain crimes, because they are of no intrinsic value to humanity......
My thoughts go out to April's parents tonight... I really do hope this ends with good news.......