I've never been a fan of the EU...I've followed it's rise over the years and I haven't been impressed at its total disconnect between the people it represents and the bureaucrats who run it...The council for instance is unaccountable to the public, they are appointed by a nod....
It has all the trappings and appearance of democracy but unfortunately falls completely short of it because of that disconnect between the council and the public...
They can push through laws with no comeback from the public they control...they have effectively removed the ability of the people to remove them and that removal of self determination is a dangerous line to cross ....because it's been done in the past any dictatorship has that key element the inability to remove them. It always ends badly.
The last tool democracy has is the will of the people to ignore it is dangerous....
The ill will towards the EU has been steadily rising for years, their dream of total integration and fiscal union is total madness it will never work in a collection of European states which have such disparate economies....which is why the likes of Greece is now in debt to the EU to tune of 300 billion Euros with another 86 billion agreed....They will take generations to just break even with the mounting debt levels they have.
I'm not going to go into a deep financial rant it's pointless there is plenty out there to find out how bad this is I suggest you research to truly horrify yourself.
The ECB is buying the EU debt at an alarming rate it's simply not sustainable it's like the EU is a person with an inability to see how bad it's finances really are ....so it applies for another credit card to pay off the last one which has hit it's limit...
Deutchesbank is also in serious trouble the EU is a slow motion car crash and people do not see it.
Remain voters seem to think leave voters have ruined their lives....what they don't realise yet is that we've mitigated a disaster waiting to happen that will be an enormous crash protecting the UK by voting to leave the EU...
There has been so much political posturing over this referendum...initially allowed by Cameron to stave off the tory voters switching to UKIP... where Cameron thought it would also heal his own parties deep divisions over the EU..
Alas that didn't happen and like most of our ivory tower politicians who are totally disconnected from the public... he and his advisors had no idea how strong the anti EU feeling was running...which is why he thought it would be safe to call a referendum....but he was playing Russian roulette with a single barrelled shotgun.....
The majority of the remain voters I've spoken to seem to have rose tinted glasses on, they've believed the hype and the lies piled on thick like plaster on a wall. Whilst the EU gives the impression of a democratic organisation they are not, instead of thinking we've lost something, they should start thinking we've actually got rid of a nasty creeping infection...The information is out there you just have to go looking for it....The deeper you dig the more horrifying it becomes, and I fear the majority of remain voters simply cherry picked the good points and didn't register the bad ....or worse still didn't know about them.
Time will tell what will happen.
But Sterling is rising, shares are increasing and the doom and gloom predicted is simply not happening.
Either way democracy has spoken and our country should pull together with each other to make a success
of the UK in its new direction after 40 years of capitulation to the EU.... Change isn't always bad....We have opened up our markets to the rest of the world, things can only get better and they will.