Wednesday, 17 March 2010

I'm still dead.... apparently...

Well according to Her Majesties Revenue and Customs at least...

Some of you may remember a post I made on here back in June 2007 and how hilarious I found it that HMRC had given me the black spot and killed me off. Which in turn had meant that they didn't bother sending out a self assessment form because they didn't have a forwarding address...

And some of you might remember how I wrote to them explaining that I wasn't in fact dead or anywhere near it (yet) and they wrote a humorous letter back apologising for killing me off and stating that they would remove the late filing penalties (£200 !!)..

I thought that was the end of my untimely death throes concerning the HMRC....

Oh no.....It's never THAT easy dealing with the British tax juggernaut is it.....

They've outdone themselves yet again... I received a tax repayment because I had overpaid my tax in 2008/09 probably because of the emergency tax they had slapped on me... even though I was dead in their eyes....Amazing isn't it how they can happily collect tax from dead people ? .....

That is when I noticed they had deducted £200 from my repayment !!! I rang them up and had a very funny conversation with the woman on the end of the phone... basically I would have to appeal again even though I did in 2007 and they said they would waive the penalties... the thing was you can only appeal within 30 days of a penalty, but when I explained that I had and the reason for appealing in the first place was because I had on paper at least shuffled off this mortal coil... she seemed to think that death was a pretty good set of mitigating circumstances for HMRC to remove the penalty charges again....

I did ask her if this time they could write their apology in blood and that I had the option to take their Chief Operating Officers first born child and sell it into slavery if they went back on their promise again.....

We shall see where my second appeal against my untimely death gets me this time.......

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