Friday, 18 February 2011

Well so far

I've managed to fall off the last step of our stairs three times with a full cup of coffee and splash a large proportion of it on our nice marble floor. I seem to manage it with irritating consistency usually at around 7:30am ish, and only it seems on the way down them, not on the way up them, which would be ten times worse because it's a light coloured carpet and I'd like to keep it that way...

I have figured out why I'm doing it though, the hand rail/banister ends before the last step, so in my sleep deprived head my hand reaches the end of the rail/banister and my brain assumes like most normal stairs that the stair also ends at that my brain engages the autonomic function of expecting the hard ground beneath my feet when in fact there is just air and a 12 inch gap of air at that... hence my almost drunken lunge forward and madly wheeling around like Max Wall trying to stop my coffee from slopping over the side and failing very miserably ....

No doubt I'll get the hang of the stairs in a couple of years, that or I'll end up breaking my ankle a few times.

but on the up side I have become expert at deftly swabbing the floor with a tea towel and extended foot.

on the heating side we're getting a lovely wood burner fitted next week (allegedly...if they bother turning up, we all know about the Pembrokeshire promise) so that should cut down on our reliance on the storage heaters.... although I've calculated that even if we put storage heaters in our old house we would still have spent less per year than heating oil, so my guess is in our super  "A" rated insulated house our bills will be considerably less than the monthly money burning ceremony to the fossil fuel alter we were used to in our old house....

this weekend I intend to be considerably less busy and physically broken as I was last weekend... I've decided !!!

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