Saturday 27 March 2010

Fuel Prices & being lied to

It seems the price of petrol/fuel is climbing back up again. The local petrol station is thinking of putting up one of those 1970's digital clocks, you know the ones which flip over the numerals like a flip book to keep up with the ever increasing price changes...

There is an ever growing Facebook group which as of the date of this blog post has very nearly 1/2 million members gained in only a few days which can be found here ......they are planning a protest on the 1st of May 2010 although how they are going to protest when blockading of oil refineries was made illegal under the terrorism act is beyond me, they are bandying about go slows and boycotts of various fuel companies.... all of which will have little if any impact on changing the price of fuel......I've got to be honest the only real thing that will work is the blockading of refineries even if it is illegal, if enough people swamp the refineries the police simply won't be able to cope... but that takes anger on a par with the miners strike or the poll tax riots, and we've got a way to go before people get that angry, but with petrol prices expected to rise to £1.60 a litre this year... I don't think it's far off to be honest, judging by some of the comments on the group.....

It is quite ridiculous the amount the UK pays for fuel it has an extortionate amount of tax on it, and to be honest the Anthropogenic global warming doesn't really carry much water any more.... when you consider that 16 of the largest super tankers sailing the seas as we speak produce as much pollution as ALL of the cars in ALL of the world... yes you heard that right SIXTEEN ships, not sixteen thousand ships.... just SIXTEEN !!! you can read about it here 

So all of those measures with catalytic converters and increased road tax and taxes on road fuels all in the name of "saving the earth" a lot of expense to the public could have been saved and the worlds pollution cut by 50 percent simply by taking 16 ships out of circulation or changing the fuel they use. 

But why do that when governments can squeeze every single last penny in tax out of us on an ongoing basis until the day we die ??

Apparently the ships pollute so much because they use the dirtiest fuel available called bunker fuel basically what is left in the refineries after all of the higher grade fuel has been removed.... so basically the dregs  or tar rich in sulphur and other carcinogenic compounds.

Anyway the cost of Petrol in Australia is 65 pence per litre or roughly half of what we pay here in the UK..... and in fact we pay more than 65p in tax per litre over here... than the Australians pay for in their fuel alone....

I suspect Nu Labour and Crash Gordon are gone after this election and to be honest good riddance... long live the next useless bunch of money grabbing pocket liners... whoever they may be.....

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