Thursday 9 August 2007

How do you get an 8 year old to do as he is told ?

Well besides beating them with a large stick.....which I am told is illegal, there aren't many options left open to you except withholding things that they like doing to get compliance, at times he can be very stubborn, mainly at bed time when he is asked to put his pyjamas on....and it's not just me it's his mum as well she has trouble getting him to do things at times, it must be his age I guess.... but at the moment just the merest mention of NOT going fishing at the weekend seems to be enough, and no doubt once this fad wears off something else will have to be dangled in front of him to keep his interest, I dunno kids these days have the attention span of a goldfish, what with games consoles, kids TV, numerous games to play and toys etc, yet
still they say "I'm bored"

Whatever happened to entertaining yourself? I used to spend hours outside as a kid, building tree houses or dens, getting dirty, swimming in the flooded quarry, making go-carts, catching newts & frogs, fishing, shooting my air rifle, I don't remember ever going to my parents and saying "I'm bored" mind you these were the days when there was no TV during the day, or very limited TV and it was black and white too !!, no Internet, no mobile phones....we marvelled at our first colour TV !!

I have to be honest these days with all this instant gratification around, life seems to have become that little bit more shallow and superficial, and what we have gained technology wise we seem to have lost humanity wise, the children of today just seem to have no appreciation of things there is no WOW factor left, they have seen it all before or simply don't care....we were talking about the moon landings the other day over the dinner table, and besides being met at times with blank faces, one of them piped up, "well lots of people think the moon landings didn't really happen..." I sat there in despair......

I was sitting out on the decking the other night and the night sky was crystal clear, I was wishing I had my telescope to look at the stars, the milky way was very prominent and bright, and most of the planets were easily visible, when Andrea came out as well and looked up with me, at least two of us appreciate some of the more simple things in life.....we have a lot to thank for the internet, and a lot to hate about me old fashioned, but I preferred it the way I was brought up :)

And if I find another box of empty matches with their burnt out contents scattered on the floor outside, or another lighter smashed because they want to "blow it up" I might just have to install a strong box in the kitchen and put the key around my the old days they used to call it pyromania, I fail to understand how ANY enjoyment can be gleaned from striking one match after the other in quick succession until the box is empty ?????

Am I missing something here?

I guess we will just get a "sorreeeeee" when the house burns down

God I must be getting old ;¬) .... I don't believvvvvvve it !!! pass my flat cap,
and walking stick, I'm off to the wheel tappers and shunters club for my pint of real ale :)

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