Wednesday 2 December 2009

Climategate Again.....

<--- This is him, Professor Phil (in-the-data) Jones

Have you noticed that very little is being said in the news about Climategate ??? I'd say that maybe the media has been warned off this little gem ? Apparently the BBC had hold of the stolen emails a few weeks before the story broke...but they didn't break the story themselves...... what does that say to you ? Surely not the impartial BBC sitting on a story of this magnitude for what ends ??? makes you wonder doesn't it ?

I suppose when you get wind of corruption in a multi-billion dollar industry and potential green tax cash cow, which I might add has sprung up out of nothing .... maybe bending a few arms to your own ends is beneficial ?? The problem is that the whole Global Warming (Anthropogenic or otherwise) debate is practically over, the spin has been spun, the suckers sucked in, the sharks are actually in the feeding frenzy.. the pigs are in the trough....the billions of dollars pumped into research.... to do a U-turn now would be catastrophic .... not to say a tad embarrassing....

Think of Kyoto and all the other summits held to reduce CO2 ..... it doesn't matter how many times you hammer home that an increase in CO2 follows a rise in temperature not the other way around..... the die has been set, CO2 is evil, petrol engines are evil, Oil Consumption is evil, Coal burning is almost satanic, each cow that farts knocks a penguin off it's perch in Antarctica ....... the same old song off the same old songsheet, the record's stuck again...blah de blah.....

But the really maddening thing is, if you don't believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming and have never eaten a lentil in your life......then you must be some kind of nutjob, who is blind to all the evidence from all those well respected climate scientists....

I say what evidence ? a string of numbers so badly mashed by a climate modelling computer program which has added all the numbers from the telephone book and then averaged it by the combined salary of the CRU "Team" and then divided it by the number of mammoths dug up in Siberia ??? ..... I think not....

People seem to forget that CO2 is food for plants and through photosynthesis they make sugars and and grow and that their natural by product of this process is Oxygen.... which we happen to breathe..... but then we go and spoil it all by breathing out CO2 again.... DAMN !!!

Governments are in a no win situation here will take major back peddling by any government to admit they were wrong, they got it wrong because they listened to bad science , peer reviewed by "mates" on the same gravy train. (20 Million quids worth of gravy train)..... so I'm going to predict the death of Anthropogenic Global Warming but long live Global Warming....

They will save from the carbon free ashes the golden tax cash cow from slaughter..... Actually I'm quite resigned to the fact that we are going to be taxed to the eyeballs on something based around very shaky science .... and I would have been far happier if the government had re-introduced window tax, at least then it's far more honest of them and you could decide how bright you wanted your home to be... but lets face it the governments have taxed us up to the eyeballs on everything we buy or use.... they may as well tax us on how much wind we pass.....

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