Friday 25 April 2008

Are you sure this is the right size ?

I was obviously lying about no more Pug 205 repairs, thankfully its not a serious one, basically when I was refitting the pinch bolt on the bottom of the front nearside hub, I scored the bolt which in turn lost most of it's thread when I tightened it, no worries I thought I'll put in a different bolt..... unfortunately it was about 1mm less in diameter which is causing the lower ball joint to "pop" over the bolt... it's safe because the only way the lower ball joint could actually come out is with a crow bar on top of it because it's under a great deal of pressure from the anti roll bar.... but it needs to be done before Andrea drives up to Liverpool next week... there is no point in taking the Jeep because we would have to take out a bank loan to fill the damn thing up these days....hence why it's only being used for local journeys....

I was hoping to get some fishing in this weekend, and who knows I might actually manage it, I will of course take the drowning kitten with me ( would have to have been there to appreciate it, lets just say it involved a swimming pool in Haven Holidays rip off village), he really enjoys fishing, which reminds me I must get some worms, and preferably "depressed and suicidal" ones that impale themselves on the hook to save him the horror of impaling them himself, because I've told him if he doesn't do it nobody else will !!!

anyway the next bit is rather Geeky so either stop reading now or :-

*SET Geek Mode ON *

The only other thing of note is that I have managed to break the laptop operating system wise, I went for the on-line upgrade of Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy heron) and it said it was going to take a few hours to complete via broadband so I aborted and decided to upgrade via the freshly burned ISO image I had downloaded..... mistake number one.....oh woe is me, in aborting the upgrade I broke something... so it's a complete fresh install now, hopefully I can get it back to what it was, we shall see.... So I will be sitting in the lounge tonight with a glass of wine making tutting sounds, and completely ignoring my lovely wife as she realises I am a lost cause conversation wise..... that is until I nail the Ubuntu install on the laptop.... I'll get the drowning kitten to keep filling her glass up, she won't care by the third one, and I'll probably roll into bed at 2am having either fixed it triumphantly or completely broken it.....again.... but despite this early teething problem on the new release, it's a killer operating system, extremely fast and it looks fantastic !!! it certainly gives Vista/XP a run for it's money... Linux has finally come of age... but the really geeky thing I like about this particular release of Ubuntu is it's ability to be installed while running XP/VISTA as a normal windows uses the NTFS file system rather well using Wabi, so gone are the days of dangerous and rather sweaty re-partitioning guesswork in the hope that your XP partition remains intact after Linux has installed !!!

*SET Geek Mode OFF*

anyway that's pretttttty much my weekend laid out, hope you have a good one !!

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