Thursday 19 November 2009

Labels ..... how I hate them !!

It seems the British Humanist Association you know the ones behind the "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" plastered all over 30 buses in London... Now I'm the first to admit that I don't believe in God, I used to but I don't any more.... but that doesn't mean I will be ramming my non belief down my daughters throat as she grows up.... I'll let her decide what she wants to believe in .... if she asks my thoughts on the subject then I'll tell her what I believe to be true.... as I'm sure any level headed Christian would.

I can see both sides of the coin on this one, on the one hand the Humanists are saying "let children grow up and make up their own minds, instead of having their belief indoctrinated into them" and that goes for Christians and any other faith such as Muslim, Buddhist or even Jedi.

But Humanists are just as guilty as Christians in that some impose their belief system on their children.... so there is little difference really except one is at one end of the scale and the other at the opposing end..... The whole point is we all "believe" in something be that God or the lack thereof.....

Religion has caused a LOT of trouble over man's existence, if it wasn't Crusaders chopping off heads in the holy land then it was the Saracens hacking the knights to bits.... more recently of course we have Jihad with extremist Muslims waging war on the west and all things western.... and of course our governments commitment to shooting/killing as many Terry Taliban's as possible....

So you see Religion has a lot to answer for over the years, rather than bring people together it's brought out the worst in them.......but that's the problem with having a higher brain function than the other species around us... we have to go that one step further and think beyond ourselves....

Lions kill when they are hungry, as do Sharks and most other predators.... Man on the other hand will kill because you go to a different church, or are simply a different religion, or even if your mobile phone is better than theirs..... or sometimes simply for fun.....

Anyway getting back to more current religion caused arsery ...... We seem to have forgotten that the USSR (as was) tried to control Afghanistan but were beaten by the Mujahideen, which it is rumoured were trained and supplied by various governments around the world who didn't want a communist Afghanistan. Then when the USSR pulled out because they were getting hammered the Mujahideen turned on themselves and had a bloody civil war.... then of course the Taliban emerged or "Students of Islam" as it means......and we are pretty much up to date..... We aren't going to win this war, just like the Russians didn't.... you can't fight religious zealots <- oh the irony in the etymology.

The British Government is starting to wane on its commitment in Afghanistan recent press reports are outlining that an exit strategy is on the horizon... I think they have realised that the death toll is simply going to continue and that although on a smaller scale, Afghanistan is turning into a British Vietnam..... see humans NEVER learn their lessons through history do they ????

1 comment:

Digamy said...

It turns out that the two children used in the campaign by the British Humanist Society were stock photos but it turns out that the children are from a leading Christian evangelist .... how I laughed...