Thursday 21 June 2007

The day is nearly upon me

Not that I need to be dragged kicking and screaming to this one, in fact I am really looking forward to it :) I'm off early today from work to sort out a few things, mainly to empty the dustbin full of beer bottles down the bottle recycling bank, before the early guests arrive, I wouldn't want them to think she was marrying an alcoholic, which I am not, it's just I haven't bothered emptying the bottle bin since we moved in, plus we have had Chris my best man to visit a month or so back and he contributed to it's current level (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it....) and besides anybody that knows me, knows that 3 pints is my limit, after which I start dancing on tables naked, Well my other half isn't in such of a flat spin as she was yesterday, thankfully !! I think she worries about things too much, what will be will be, the weather isn't good as predicted by the Met office, oh well freezing cold conditions on my first wedding and torrential rain on my second, at least this time I'm not wet behind the ears (figuratively speaking of course).

We have some good solid friends coming and of course our families the latter of which cannot be chosen, but all in all, a definite improvement on previous in-laws on both our parts, not to mention a huge improvement in respective spouses as well :)...... There is nearly a decade between us age wise but we are so well suited to each other in every way possible (sick bags on the left) the only time the age difference makes itself apparent is when I say "Bloody hell you remember that ?" and she says "Don't be ridiculous I wasn't born" mind you when I was getting married the first time around in 1981 to the Yorkshire fruit and nut job, it's a bit sobering to work out that she was only 9 years old at the time I think my ex was 19 I know I was 16 or very nearly 17, anyway....thankfully we have both emerged from our respective previous incarcerations relatively unscathed and pretty damn normal :)

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